Grading and Description of
Groups and Projects
Volgograd GCP Participants:
group AS-031 - photos and resumes
group coordinator: Vilena A. Bryleva
The Global Classroom Project is designed to provide a forum
for cross-cultural, digital communication and collaborative project
development with colleagues in St. Petersburg and Volgograd Russia and
Karlskrona, Sweden. This forum for experiential learning demands a high
level of person-to-person communication and interaction that centers on the
challenges of real-life contextual communication.
The course focuses on analysis of cross-cultural, digital communication.
Both in subject area study and experientially, you will explore issues in
this area, analyze them, and report the results of your research,
experience, and analysis.
This semester, the overall goal of your class project is to provide
effective, clear, well-designed affective expressions of your responses to
the Southeast Asian tsunami tragedy. The other major class assignments will
serve as your introduction of qualifications (resume), plans of action
(proposals), and production of your proposed response.
Much of this class will be virtual in nature, conducted both on the World
Wide Web through WebBoard conferencing software and through e-mail, to allow
you to work with your classmates in Russia at the European University at St.
Petersburg and Volgograd State University, and Sweden, at the Blekinge
Institute of Technology in Karlskrona. As such, you must plan to devote time
to your online discussions, just as you would to sessions in more
traditional face-to-face class environments.
We hope to submit the results of your work to UNICEF as a gesture of support
for those affected by the Southeast Asian tsunami tragedy.