prof. Kovalevsky Rostislav Leonidovitch, Kandidat of Science
Sector heads:
English – Khairova S.R., Kandidat of Science
French – assistant prof. Popova O.I., Kandidat of Science
German – Novikova E.U., Kandidat of Sceince
16 instructors (8 of them hold a Kandidat degree in Linguistics)
Three times since 2000 the Department hosted international seminars
devoted to translation training issues with invited foreign lecturers.
A teamwork with Cologne University colleagues resulted in
publishing a Textbook “Deutch Aktuell. Geschäftskontakte (Business
Contacts)” (Kovalevsky, Mitjagina, Mayer). The Department uses its own
Written Translation textbooks in three versions: ‘Translation’
(English version) by Usavheva, Khairova, Seropegina, ‘Translation’
(Deutsch), by Kovalevsky, Novikova, Makhortova, and ‘Traduction’
(Francais) by Korolkova, Boulkina.
The Department publishes an annual titled “Homo Loquens”
compiled from works of Department members, postgraduates and
researchers from other departments. Papers authored by Department
members can also be found in various miscellanies (Russian, German,
Danish), and as separate monograph as well.
Below is the list of educational institutions at which the
instructors of the Department took traineeship:
Goethe Institute,
Dusseldorf, Germany
Goethe Institute, Moscow,
Institute of theory and
applied translation, Gratz University, Austria
Center for translation
and lexicography, Copenhagen University, Denmark
University of Tourin,
Kent State University,
Cologne University,
Mary Apse Free Institute,
University of Louvigne, Belgium
High School of
translation, Sorbonne, Paris III, France
Major courses taught by Department members:
History of Linguistic
Introduction to
General Linguistics
History and Culture of
the Country of Origin of First Foreign Language (different for
students of English, French and German)
Stylistics of First
Foreign Language (different for students of English, French and
Theory and Techniques of
Practice of translation
(different for first/ second foreign language)
Practice of
Interpretation (different for first/ second foreign language)
Business Contacts
(different for students of English, French and German)
Techniques of
Interpretation Notation
Other programs and activities:
- Presidential Program of advanced vocational training for
management and administrative staff
- Initiated by the Department advanced vocational training program
“Professional Communication Translator/ Interpreter”
- Translating/ Interpreting services in simultaneous, consecutive
and written translation for seminars, scientific conferences etc.
Feedback from our graduates’ employers: Highly positive! |