The list of conferences planned at our Institute of philology and intercultural communication is mentioned also at the Institute site
The conference will be held on 27-29 May, 2019 at Volgograd state university, Volgograd, Russian Federation. PhD students, teachers, scientists, research workers of higher educational institutions, research institutes and industrial enterprises are invited to participate in the conference.
Important dates
- Registration and Paper Submission Deadline: 20 June 2019
- Author Notification Date: 1-2 months after receiving the paper
Schedule of Sessions

Templates and application
All regular (oral) participants, including speakers and session chairs, must notify about their wish, ability and facilities needed in advance and send the necessary data (at least the approximate registration form) in advance to be included in the programme of participants. The registration form should be filled with authors’ personal data, preliminary article name and participation form information. Upon notification of full paper acceptance, the registration fee should be paid.
To participate you have to send to the application and the article (articles) (by 20 June 2019)
If you need Russian visa, please contact no later than 2 months before the conference starts to ask for an official invitation.
Publication of papers
- The full paper should be 4.5 to 8 A4-pages in MS Word format according to the template.
- The author replaces the text in the template with the own one.
- Each person can participate only in 2 (two) articles.
- The references cannot include more than 2 self-references.
- The total number of references should include more than 10 references (mostly to the publications indexed in WOS, Scopus and other international databases)
- The maximum number of the keywords — 6, the size of the abstract — 100-200 words, the length of the article title is no more than 12 words.
- There should be all documents presented and sent to the organising committee
All submitted papers will be blind peer reviewed by two competent reviewers and evaluated on the basis of relevance, originality, quality and clarity. The papers that are accepted after passing through the normal review process will be included in the English-language special issue of the international journal.
The authors will have the full responsibility of accuracy and authenticity of their papers since they will be published as they are received without further proofreading and/or editing. All submitted papers will be checked for plagiarism. Papers including plagiarized material/information will be rejected.
The official language of the conference is only English. The article must be provided in English. The presentation should also be provided in English, oral support can be made in English, German or Russian if agreed by the organizing committee.
The conference proceedings book is electronic so the announcements about the papers publication and indexing will be placed in the corresponding site sections NEWS and CONFERENCE RESULTS. To learn everything in time you can register on the site or subscribe to the site news.
The goal of LVR-UERD’2019 are:
• to create an international forum for the researchers, students, industries and governments to communicate their results on the fundamentals and application of electronic environment, digital urban development and information systems
• to share and exchange ideas, thoughts and discussions on all aspects of virtual urban systems and environments
• to facilitate the formation of networks among participants to enhance the quality and benefits of research and development
The conference is aimed at urban environment in digital epoch and its multi-facet aspects: the earth and computational sciences, e-resource management, virtual communication, eco-technologies, e-law enforcement, e-policy commitment in rural and urban areas, urban e-services, issues of sustainable development, digital city tourism, smart city concept, digital city culture and human cybersecurity, cluster strategy, globalization, gap pattern, digital media, urban virtual media discourse, virtual education, digital economy, social Informatics, Internet psychology, computational linguistics
Trends of the conference:
- Urban information environment, programming and digital decision support systems, the media and the city in the digital space. Cloud technology and data storage in the city
- Infrastructure of the smart city and business technology for sustainable urban development in the era of digitalization. Smart transportation systems
- e-Polity in Cyberspace, Electronic & Smart Governance, E-Democracy & Participation, Open Government & Data
- Modern city, urban landscapes in the framework of digital culture in the era of digitalization
- Transformation of urban space in the context of digitalization and electronic legal support in the regions
- Ecological perspective in the development of cities in the digital age and digital ecology
- Digital Economy and ICT-driven Economic Institutions and Practices
- Virtual education in the context of digitalization, virtual teacher-remote student. Digital Culture. Social Informatics, Virtual Communities, Ethical and Security Issues
- Internet Psychology, Digital Socialization, Psychology of Gaming & Cybersport, The Use of Immersive and Augmented Reality in Psychology
- Computational Linguistics, Computer Modeling of Language, Speech Technologies, Digital Linguistic Resources, Linguistic Analysis of Social Networks
The sections are not limited to these areas. Due to the requests of the authors and institutions, the sections can be (but not must be) expanded or supplemented with new sections within the idea of the conference.
- Volgograd state university
- University of Zagreb
- University of Timisoara
Keynote Speakers
Read about the speakers
International Steering Committee
ISC Chair:
- Rector of Volgograd State University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Vasily Valerievich Tarakanov
Assisting ISC Chair:
- Doctor of Sociology, Professor Nadezhda Vasilyevna Dulina
ISC Members:
- Cindori S. — Associate Professor, Faculty of Law University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Cernicova-Buca M. — Associate Professor, Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
- Larouk O. — Associate Professor, University of Lyon, France
- Honored Scientist of Russia, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Department of Sociology, FSBEI of HE «Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation» G.G. Silaste, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A.L. Strizoe (Volgograd), Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor E.A. Ostrovskaya (St. Petersburg), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor L.A. Savchenko (Rostov-on-Don), Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor N.A. Skobelina (Volgograd), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor O.I. Sgibneva (Volgograd), Doctor Nicole Hirschler (University of Ostrava, Czech Republic), Doctor of Philosophy, Professor I.V. Vasilenko (Volgograd), Vice-Rector for Research of the Institute of Theology of Saints Methodius and Cyril BSU, Associate Professor of the Department of Religious Studies, Ph.D. in Theology S.I. Shatravsky (BSU, Minsk, Belarus), Ph.D., professor, head of the department of sociology and social psychology of the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of Mongolia Tsetsenbileg Tseveni (Ulaan Baator), Doctor of History, Professor, Department of World History, Historiography and Source Studies, Faculty of History, Archeology and Ethnology, Kazakh National University of Al-Farabi R.S. Zharkynbaeva (Alma-Ata); Doctor of Sociology, associate professor, head of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of the Samara State University of Economics V.B. Zvonovsky (Samara); Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Mathematical Methods, Information Technologies and Management Systems in the Economics of Tyumen State University G.F. Romashkina (Tyumen); Doctor of History, Professor, Department of Oriental Studies, Tomsk State University, N.V. Trubnikova (Tomsk); Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Department of Socio-Cultural Activities, Cultural Studies and Sociology, full member of the National Academy of Tourism L.G. Skulmovskaya (Tyumen State Institute of Culture, Tyumen), Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Sociology, Ural State Economic University E.N. Zaborova (Ekaterinburg); Shamne N. L., Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
Organization & Operation Committee
OOC Chair:
- Kalinina A. E. — Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector of Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
- Vasilyeva Ekaterina Nikolaevna — Director of the Institute of History, International Relations and Social Technologies, Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor
Assisting OOC Chairs:
- Strizoe A.L. — Doctor of Philosophy, Professor (Volgograd)
- Malushko E.Yu. — candidate of pedagogical sciences, Deputy Director for IT, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
OOC Members:
- Doctor of Philosophy, professor, head of department of Sociology and Political Science, Kursk State University E. A. Kogai;
- Doctor of Philosophy, professor, head of department of «Philosophy and Cultural Studies», Kalmyk State University V.N. Badmaev;
- Doctor of Sociology, candidate of psycological sciences, Professor, Federal Institute of Culture and Arts, Head of the Research Center of Circumpolar Civilization, Professor FSBEI of HE «Churapchinsky Institute of Physical Culture and Sports» U.A. Vinokurova;
- Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Technology, State and Municipal Administration, IGUP UrFU named after the first President of Russia BN Yeltsin Ya.V. Didkovskaya (Ekaterinburg);
- Doctor of Philosophy, head of the department of philosophy, prof. S.B. Tokareva (VolSU, Volgograd);
- candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology E.O. Belikova (VolSU, Volgograd);
- candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology M.B. Poltavskaya (VolSU, Volgograd);
- candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology N.A. Nikolenko (VolSU, Volgograd),
- candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology V.A. Paramonova (VolSU, Volgograd),
- candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology A.G. Kuznetsov (VolSU, Volgograd),
- candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor E.G. Laktyukhina (VolSU, Volgograd),
- candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor E.G. Vasilyeva (VolSU, Volgograd).
- Specialist, Department of Sociology, VolSU E.E. Yanovskaya
Technical Program Committee
- Lizunkov Gennady — Scientific and Educational Institute of Professional International Communication, Russia
- Malushko E.Yu. — candidate of pedagogical sciences, Deputy Director for IT, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
- Eltanskaya E.A. — candidate of philological sciences, ass. professor Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
Belikova E.O. — candidate of social sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
VolSU, 400062, Russia, Volgograd, prospect Universitetsky 100, office 314B
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Visa information
You can obtain Russian visa in the country of your citizenship. You need to get in touch with the Russian consulate in your country and make sure that your application will be accepted.
!!! You should also complete this form and attach a copy of your passport and send it to 2 months before the conference starts to ask for official invitation. Please indicate the subject of the email as Visa Application.
For invitation from the committee you can also fill the form , where you have to mention that you are the ‘Guest of the University’, all the applicable data, and write the details about your event in «Additional Information» (e.g. — participation in the 8-th International Scientific and Practical Conference “Current issues of linguistics and didactics: The interdisciplinary approach in humanities and social sciences).
Conference Results
See the previous issues at